Objectives of IFIZCI

The International Federation of Indigenous Zebu Cattle

IFIZCI aims at achieving the following objectives

The International Federation of Indigenous Zebu Cattle is an Indian organization with its primary focus on improving the Zebu Cattle breeds and promoting collaboration with international organizations.

Conservation and Preservation

Preserve and protect Indigenous Zebu Cattle breeds ensuring the safeguard of their genetic diversity and cultural significance for future generations.

Breed Improvement

Undertake research, development and implementation of breeding strategies to enhance the genetic potential of Indigenous Zebu Cattle focusing on traits such as milk production, disease resistance and adaptability to various environments.

Collaboration and Networking

Foster collaboration and partnerships with national and international organizations working towards the conservation and improvement of Indigenous Cattle breeds, sharing knowledge, best practices and research findings.

Technology Adoption

Identify and promote the adoption of innovative technologies, both traditional and modern, that can improve the nutrition, health, and overall well-being of indigenous zebu cattle. This includes exploring new equipment, feeding techniques, healthcare practices, and sustainable management approaches.

Capacity Building

Organize training programs, workshops, and seminars to educate cattle breeders, farmers, and other stakeholders about best practices in indigenous zebu cattle management, breeding, nutrition, and healthcare. Foster knowledge exchange and skill development among members.

Advocacy and Awareness

Raise awareness about the importance of indigenous zebu cattle breeds and their contribution to sustainable agriculture, rural livelihoods, and cultural heritage. Advocate for policies and regulations that support the conservation and promotion of indigenous cattle breeds.

Livelihood Support

Facilitate income generation opportunities for cattle breeders and farmers involved in indigenous zebu cattle rearing by promoting value addition, marketing strategies, and access to markets for cattle products such as milk and other by-products.

Modern Nutritional Health

Conduct research and develop guidelines for the optimal nutrition and feeding practices for indigenous zebu cattle, considering their specific dietary requirements and the incorporation of modern nutritional advancements.

International Events and Collaboration

Organize international conferences, seminars, and workshops in India, inviting renowned breeders, researchers, and experts from around the world to share their knowledge and experiences in zebu cattle breeding and management.

Showcasing Indian Age-Old Practices

Highlight and document traditional Indian cattle rearing practices, such as indigenous healthcare systems, herbal remedies, and low-cost management techniques, to preserve and promote the wisdom of generations past.

Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs)

Facilitate the formation and capacity-building of Farmer Producer Organizations, encouraging indigenous zebu cattle breeders and farmers to join forces and collectively improve their bargaining power, access to resources, and market opportunities.

Regenerative Agriculture Practices

Promote regenerative agriculture practices among indigenous zebu cattle breeders and farmers, emphasizing soil health, biodiversity conservation, water management, and sustainable land use to achieve long-term ecological balance.

Livestock Welfare

Advocate for the welfare and ethical treatment of indigenous zebu cattle, emphasizing good husbandry practices, proper housing, disease prevention, and humane transportation and slaughter procedures.

Skill Development

Establish training programs and workshops to enhance the technical skills and knowledge of cattle breeders, farmers, and veterinarians involved in indigenous zebu cattle rearing, focusing on breeding techniques, animal healthcare, and sustainable management practices.

Research and Documentation

Encourage research on indigenous zebu cattle genetics, health, nutrition, and sustainable management practices. Promote the documentation of traditional knowledge and practices related to cattle rearing, herbal remedies, and indigenous healthcare systems.

Public/Farmers Engagement

Engage with the general public, educational institutions, and youth organizations to raise awareness about indigenous zebu cattle breeds, their cultural significance, and the importance of sustainable agriculture and livestock management.

Policy Recommendations

Provide expert advice and recommendations to governmental bodies and international organizations on policies related to indigenous cattle breeds, conservation, and sustainable livestock development. Engage with government authorities, policymakers, and international organizations to advocate for policies and regulations that support the conservation, breeding, and sustainable management of indigenous zebu cattle breeds.
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