Cow Based Economy


Indigenous cow based economy

Cows are a fundamental building block of sustainable economies, specifically in rural and agricultural set ups when managed in ways that are ecologically, economically and socially viable.

Our vision

The ‘Indigenous Cow Based Economy’ can only foster a better tomorrow

Our mission

Maximum involvement of the existing rural structure and use of advanced technologies.

Fundamental building block of sustainable economies

Cows are a fundamental building block of sustainable economies, specifically in rural and agricultural set ups when managed in ways that are ecologically, economically and socially viable.

Sustainable Economies

Cows are fundamental to sustainable rural and agricultural economies.

Vision for the Future

Foster a better tomorrow with rural involvement and advanced technologies.

Agricultural Sustainability

Sustainable agriculture and cattle management minimize environmental impacts.

Indigenous Breed Development

Promote conservation and development of India's indigenous cow breeds.

Cow Resources

Cow dung and urine are major resources for fertilizer, fuel, and pest repellent.

Gobar Gas Plants

Gobar Gas Plants save the ozone layer and prevent global warming.