- The breeding tract of Bachaur cattle is Sitamarhi, Dharbanga and Madhubani districts of Bihar.
- They are also known as “Bhutia”.
- The breed has very close similarity to the Hariana breed. The breed is primarily utilized for draft qualities and ability to thrive with lower quality feeds.
- Common colours of Bachaur cattle is grey or greyish white. They are compact with straight backs. well-rounded barrels, short necks and muscular shoulders.
- The forehead is broad and flat or slightly convex.
- The eyes are large and prominent.
- The horns are medium-sized and stumpy, curving outward, upward and downward.
- The breed is mainly used for work and bullocks can work for long periods without any break.
- Average milk yield per lactation of Bachaur cow is 347 kg with an average milk fat of 5%. The lactation milk yield ranges from 225 to 630.